Linking Epidemiology and Laboratory Research on Transboundary Animal Diseases and Zoonoses in EU and China
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1st Progress Meeting (WP1)

To ensure the coordination of the project, progress meetings are organized on a yearly basis, where all partners have the chance to (i) review interim results; (ii) facilitate the monitoring of the project, assess the status of each work package and decide on corrective actions if needed; (iii) reinforce interactions; (iv) discuss future activities; and (v) discuss administrative and financial aspects of the project.The 1st Progress Meeting and WP4 2nd workshop of FP7 LinkTADs project were held in Shanghai from 15th to 17th October 2014. Co-organized by Shanghai Veterinary Research Institute (SHRVI) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the 2-day meeting aimed at reviewing the achievements for the past year and defining the plans for the future.All objectives were successfully achieved, and after the first year all major milestones and deliverables were achieved, and no major issues or obstacles identified. 

The agenda for the meeting can be found attached below.

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