Linking Epidemiology and Laboratory Research on Transboundary Animal Diseases and Zoonoses in EU and China

EuFMD Emergency Preparedness Online Training Course

Ryan Aguanno

The EuFMD online training course on FMD Emergency Preparation was held over a period of 5 weeks starting on 21 September, 2016.  Participation in the course was open to individuals from FAO as well as various Chinese health and research institutes, with funding provided by LinkTADs.  In the end, 49 individuals registered for the course. 

The course opened with a live interactive webinar, where participants met the three trainers and were introduced to both the course and foot-and-mouth disease in general.  The majority of the course was self-guided and presented in the form of online modules which included aetiology and pathogenesis, clinical diagnosis and lesion ageing, epidemiology and outbreak investigation, biosecurity, and finally the Progressive Control Pathway. At the end of the course another webinar was held in the form of a case study, which also included interactive polling and discussion.

Throughout the training the three EuFMD experts were available to answer any issues, and also led the way in the discussion forum to help answer questions from the trainees.   The forum contained numerous discussions, with many topics centred around the unique aspects of FMD in China.

At the end of the course all trainees completed a comprehensive assessment, which also included a course review. Successful trainees were then given a certificate and records of completion were sent.